Do I accumulate Friends of Farro points with my online purchases?
Yes, provided that you have entered your Friends of Farro loyalty card number when you registered for online shopping. This can be added at the "Manage my profile" section, which is accessed by your initials (Top right hand corner of the home page). This does not apply to the purchasing of gift cards or pre-orders.
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How do I make my first online order?
You need to sign up for online shopping. Simply visit out website and select the red "register" button (top right hand corner of Farro homepage). Fill in your details and you will be ready to get shopping online with Farro. ...
Can I pay for my online order with a Farro gift card?
Both the physical card and eGift cards can be redeemed in-store and online*. (*Only the new "green" gift card and eGift cards received on or after November 2024 are valid online.)
How do I cancel an online order?
If you would like to cancel an online order, please navigate to your account page on, select "My Orders", under open orders select "view" and then "cancel". Cancellations must be requested 24 hours prior to selected delivery time. If ...
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Forgotten something? Easily edit your order by logging into you online account at, navigate to your account page and select "My Orders", here you can see your open orders that can be edited or cancelled. Please note, you will only be ...
Who picks my Online Order?
We have a small team of Online shoppers who will pick your orders carefully and to the best of their ability. These shoppers are responsible for orders being picked, substitutions, packaging, and organising delivery for all orders.